Tara Bettis – The Woman’s Hospital of Texas

Tara Bettis – The Woman’s Hospital of Texas

Tara is an exceptional colleague at The Woman’s Hospital of Texas where she builds a strong bond with her patients. For example, one patient came back after she delivered her baby to give Tara a Hope Bracelet and wrote her a sweet message. The card read, “Tie this bracelet on your wrist and know because of you I have lots of bliss. You didn’t give up, you believed in me and that’s why baby Andrew came to be. Thanks for all the hope you gave me. There’s a rainbow after the rain. We got through the storm together. Miss Tara, thank you for all the great times we talked when you came to my room. Not only did I enjoy our conversations, but you were the only one in housekeeping that made my stay enjoyable by keeping my room clean and by talking to me, and for that thank you. It was a long four months.”